Human resources, non-human resources, and time are the three most important things to manage in life (Ohiri, 2002). The efficiency with which an organization is able to fulfill its objectives is characterized as organizational effectiveness (Jones & Heinz, 2004). This refers to a company that achieves a targeted result or is productive without wasting resources. An organization's most precious resource is its employees. This is due to the fact that machines cannot function without human intervention. Workers must be motivated to perform, which implies they must be satisfied, in order to perform efficiently. A dissatisfied employee is likely to file a complaint.
Conflicts and disputes are unavoidable in the education sector, as they are in other organizations, whether private or public, despite the existence of collective agreements between labor and management to manage these unproductive situations. To prevent or handle this scenario, each collective bargaining agreement in an organization should have a grievance management system for resolving disputes between employers, unions, or individuals (employees) (Opatha, 2004).
Employee grievances are as ancient as industrial societies, but in recent years, the issue of employee grievance handling in Africa, particularly Ghana, has gotten a lot of attention. This is because a timely reaction that results in a quick resolution of a grievance boosts employee morale and productivity while also avoiding costly legal action.
The term "grief" referred to a breakdown in mutual trust between an employer and an employee (Nurse, 2006). There are reciprocal expectations at the outset of a new job that create the foundation of future working partnerships. Aside from what is specified in the employment contract, both parties will have expectations for the future. That functioning connection will occasionally fail. There is a possibility of a grievance if the employee is dissatisfied.
A dissatisfied employee is one who has a grudge against management or the organization as a whole. An unhappy employee cannot accomplish productive work. Employees get despondent, have low morale, and their productivity suffers as a result. Satisfaction at work, in all aspects of the job, is critical to maintaining healthy morale. No matter how well compensated or interesting the work is, morale will suffer until the individual performing the job is satisfied (Daud,2010). The persistence of grievances in an organization is unavoidable since a relationship without grievances is equivalent to having no relationship at all (Ohiri,2002). Mishandling of grievances leads to work disruptions such as demonstrations, riots, strikes, and resignations, all of which result in labor turnover and its impact on organizations.
Employee grievance, according to Jones (2004), is a condition of dissatisfaction or discontent on the side of either labor or management in an organizational or industrial relationship. According to the author, a grievance is a bad emotion that can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including complaints, strikes, and destructive reactions. An organization will normally construct a grievance procedure to allow employees to express their dissatisfaction. The design and changes of an equitable grievance processing system are required for an organization to have meaningful productivity and improved labor management relationships. The formation of a grievance procedure is in accordance with the notion of "due process," which ensures that procedural justice and ethical decision-making are applied in an organization (Mante-Meija & Enid, 1991).
Grievance processes act as a means of communication between employees and supervisors. It provides a channel for complaints, alerts management to impending problems, and reduces absenteeism, strikes, and other incidents that may have a negative impact on corporate operations (Ivancevich, 2001). In other words, grievance processes are the established means for dealing with or resolving worker grievances. The sort of grievance procedure used varies depending on the organization's management structure and available resources. Having an "open door policy" is one of the most effective strategies for decreasing and eliminating the source of employee dissatisfaction. Employees can stroll into their superiors' office at any time and air their grievances, thanks to a "open door policy" at the workplace (Peterson &Lewin, 2000).
Managers must be informed about the relevance of the grievance procedure as well as their responsibility for maintaining positive employee relations. Effective grievance resolution is critical to maintaining positive employee relations and running a fair, successful, and productive workplace (Daud, 2010). The study of grievance management methods is based on numerous theories. However, the leader-member exchange theory, clinical theory, behavioral, and management theories will be used in the study.
A grievance is any disagreement between an employer and an employee over the implied or explicit conditions of an employment contract (Britton, 1992). The purpose of using a grievance procedure is to meet the demands of both employers and employees (Jones, 2004). Despite the fact that Jayee University College is one of the country's oldest private universities charged with training competent human resources to better manage what has been inadequately managed by other institutions, the university's management of employee grievances has remained a concern. Some staff have threatened to breach their employment contracts with the university in order to work for other public institutions, while others have decided to abandon teaching for other endeavors, demonstrating the difficulty. Employee unhappiness with how supervisors handle their issues, according to all sources, has caused this scenario. In support of this assertion, Kamoche (1997) discovered that most African private companies' poor performance is attributable to ineffective management practices and inefficient decision-making.
A review of the literature revealed the varied styles or tactics utilized in different firms to manage employee grievances and performance. Few studies have been conducted in Ghana to examine styles used by supervisors and managers in managing grievances raised by their subordinates or fellow employees, including (Danku&Apeletey, 1999) on workplace grievances and (Aboagye&Benyebar, 2010) on assessing discipline handling and grievance management procedure. According to the researcher, incorrect or ineffective grievance handling in many businesses, including Jayee University College, has resulted in excessive labor or employee turnover, poor human relations, and ineffective communication of objectives. This study focuses on grievance management procedures and staff performance at Jayee University College in this context.
The overall goal of the research is to:
1. To investigate the nature of Jayee University College's workplace grievances.
2. Examine the grievance handling procedures in place at Jayee University College.
3. Examine the impact of the grievance handling procedure on employee performance.
The following research questions guide the objective of the study:
1. what is the nature of Jayee University College's workplace grievances?
2. What are the grievance handling procedures in place at Jayee University College?
3. What is the impact of the grievance handling procedure on employee performance?
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